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Monday, May 23, 2011

Not my job

The three words which will kill your customer's experience faster than anything else are these: "not my job".

Customers call into Tech Support because they have a problem with something - something they may not understand at all other than knowing that it's on their computer.  Sometimes that something might not be with the product you're being paid to support.

Be willing to take 30 seconds, do a quick web search, and at the very least aim the customer in the right direction for assistance.  Tell your customer"I haven't been trained to support that, but here's what I found that might get you what you need..."

... You can help even when you don't know the solution.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not even trained in tech support and I do just that. I help my friends and family mostly by luck, google, or the knowledge I do have.
