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Updates on Monday and Wednesday, with additional updates on an entirely irregular basis.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Art of Batching

If you're working in email or other non-telephone support modes, usually you have the ability to pull in a number of cases or tickets into your "in box" before you start working on them.

If you do have this option, take a day or two and see how many tickets your comfortable dealing with at a time. For some folks, a stack of 100 plus tickets in their "in box" is nothing, while for others it looks like (and feels like) an insurmountable obstacle.

Look at batching your work - pull in 20, 10 or even 5 cases, work them, and then pull in the next batch. You may find you're doing more work with less stress.

1 comment:

  1. That's a good idea. I might have to implement that.

