Update Schedule Text

Updates on Monday and Wednesday, with additional updates on an entirely irregular basis.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Follow-through, follow-through, follow-through

If you're working multiple cases or multiple tickets, it is very easy to allow yourself to let the less urgent tickets fall by the wayside. Sometimes you'll find some problems "fix themselves" - unfortunately sometimes that means the customer has just given up hope.

Make a point of trying to "touch" every open or pending ticket you have in your stack every day. Even if it's just to make certain you haven't missed something.  You'll be surprised how many things you find you can solve.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Shortest Tech Support Career Advice Ever

All you need to develop a successful career in the IT and Tech Support industry is an interest in technology and the confidence to search out, record and retain the little details that make computers do what we want them to do.

You don't need certification, you don't need a degree. You just need to be confident in your ability to find information and harness it.