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Monday, January 3, 2011

Your Job Is To Talk To People

Regarless of what Metrics-Obsessed Management Environments (MOME - yes I'm working on making this a meme) have to say about Tech Support, your job, at heart, is to talk to people and help solve their problems.

We tend to focus on the "solve their problems" part, which means we focus on the problem rather than the person we're talking to. This results in Script Monkey Syndrome - we have a fixed set of steps we need to go through, and some of us just read the steps off the script in front of us, expecting the person on the other end of the call to understand exactly what we mean when we say it and above all else, follow these steps (written by a tech) to the letter.

Of course, if these people could easily understand technical instructions written by technical people the odds are good they would not in fact be calling us.

Take a moment to get an idea of where this customer is, knowledge-wise. Use your script (if you have one) as a guide to the steps and not as something you just have to recite at the customer as fast as possible to Get This Person Off The Phone. 


Besides, if you do that, then this customer might learn something, and not have to call you again for this particular issue.

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