Life is more manageable when approached as a scavenger hunt, rather than a suprise party.
- Jimmy Buffet
Technical Support is, by its nature, a reactive job - it's very hard to be proactive in an environment where your purpose for being there is to "fix things". In my experience, there are two ways to approach the situation:
- a never ending series of emergencies which require immediate, adrenaline-laden flurries of frantic activity to fix whatever was broken (and try and prevent that from happening again); or
- a series of interesting challenges which can be overcome with enough research, questioning, and learning (and can then be documented so you can recover gracefully
I leave it to you to decide which way leads to less stress and irritation at your customer base.
(and yes, we're back on line - your humble blogger got himself a new contract gig and has been, well, busy doing tech support - we'll get more info and useful tools out here shortly)
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